January Entry?
More and more colleges seem to be introducing January entry terms for first year students. This is typically due to capacity. For example, a college may be able to project space for a few more first years to join during the spring semester, as dorm capacity might open up due to study abroad, attrition, etc. Sometimes, colleges will utilize this January term to admit students they could not take for fall. If one of your top schools offers January admission, here are some questions to consider.
What will I do during the fall semester?
If you and your family decide that January entry works for you, you will want to make some plans for the fall semester! Some students travel, serve their communities, or pursue hobbies or even business ventures. Make sure you create a plan that you will be able to share with your college (sometimes they ask!), and one that fits into the expectations (financial and otherwise) for your family.
How many other students are starting in January?
The size of the January cohort differs from school to school. Generally, you may want to know if this cohort is a large enough group that you will be in good company! You may also want to ask questions about housing assignments and course selection.
Will I graduate on time?
Since you are technically starting a semester late, you may want to find out paths you can take to catch up (summer work, course overloading, etc.), or set a plan for when you anticipate graduating.